Welcome to Anselm House, my sporadic newsletter where you can eavesdrop while I research and write my Systematic Theology for Baker Academic. -Matthew Barrett

Matthew Barrett is the founder and editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine and he is the host of the Credo podcast, where he talks with fellow theologians about the most important theological issues facing the Christian faith today. He is also the Director of the Center for Classical Theology. He is Professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. where he teaches courses in systematic theology. He also teaches seminars at the Ph.D. level in systematic theology, philosophical theology, and historical theology, supervising Ph.D. students through their dissertation writing.

Currently, he is writing a Systematic Theology with Baker Academic which you can read about in his regular newsletter (subscribe here). He is the author of numerous books, such as Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit (Baker), which won the Christianity Today Award in Theology. His new book is called The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church (Zondervan Academic). He has several books that will release soon, including On Classical Trinitarianism (IVP Academic). He is the editor of several series, including Pillars in Christian Dogmatics (B&H Academic); New Studies in Classical Theology (Crossway); Thomas Aquinas for Protestants (Crossway).

He also hosts an actual gathering called Anselm House, which brings together pastors, students, and churchgoers. In the spirit of faith seeking understanding, they read a classical text out loud and participate in Socratic dialogue, all with the aim of contemplating the deep things of God and enjoying communion with him.

He is originally from California, receiving his BA from Biola University. He received his MDiv and PhD in systematic theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Prior to MBTS he was Lecturer of systematic theology and church history at Oak Hill College in London (something he has in common with J.I. Packer) and Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at California Baptist University. During his time in California, he was also Senior Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church.

Dr. Barrett is passionate about the retrieval of classical theology and loves nothing more than seeing his students embrace and embody its spirit of faith seeking understanding (fides quaerens intellectum). With past experience as a pastor, he is a theologian with a pastoral heart, always eager to demonstrate how doctrine leads to discipleship and doxology.

He is married to Elizabeth and they have four children. They love KC BBQ, rooting for the Chiefs and Jayhawks. As a native of Los Angeles, he is also a diehard Lakers fan.

Listen to Matthew Barrett by subscribing to the Credo podcast and follow him on Twitter.

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Eavesdrop on Matthew Barrett's Systematic Theology